From exhibitors to sessions, sponsorships to support requirements, it’s very important to understand the various items that are included in your event platform. For example, is hot-line support included on the day of the event? (Yes) Do exhibitors have access to support for booth setup? (Yes) What types of sessions are supported? (Live, Simulated Live, On-Demand) How do you customize the environment? (colors, branding, look and feel) What types of assistance, guidance and coaching are included? (Self-service, amazing service, concierge and fully-managed)
Let’s set an appointment that works well for you (and feel free to bring a team member or three) to talk through your event. We’ll provide suggestions, ideas and talk about how you can apply virtual and hybrid events to your overall event strategy to assure success for your event projects.
We’ll be able to talk about your virtual conference goals, share things that work (and probably some warnings about things that don’t work so well) and much more.
We’ll also talk with you about your goals for content, content re-use, optimizing your options for revenues and different means of engaging, and staying engaged with, both your attendees and exhibitors. An event doesn’t need to be a single point-in-time happening, you can apply different techniques, integrated into the vConferenceOnline platform, that will allow you continue to interact with your community, build strategic partnerships and increase your reach. This adds value to your community and improves the levels of service you provide all along the way.
An event is so much more than an event. Or at least, it can be, with the right platform, the right experienced team working with you and the right tools to deliver it to your community.
We look forward to speaking with you, and sharing our experiences with successful virtual and hybrid events helping 1000’s of businesses, 100’s of 1000’s of attendees, and so much more, since before 2007.